Wednesday, 27 October 2021

DFI Day 3: Media


  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

        The Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy we focussed on today was 'Create'
This was looking at the misconception around digital classrooms as just 'being on devices,' and the use of digital tools to enhance creativity. Wrapped around Creativity are the ideas of Sight, Sound, Motion

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?

Learning to create my own youtube channel and save videos to make a playlist could improve my workflow as I can make playlists of relevant videos around a topic we are looking at in class e.g. we are looking at NZ protests and the Invasion of Parihaka currently. Having a playlist of videos can streamline accessibility for the students when inquiring into these events in NZ History.

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

Inserting soundbytes into slides is a tool that can be used by my students as well as myself for further explanation and information. I have started pepeha slides but they are not completed, but I will upload them into this blog with a mote voice file embedded.
Google draw is a tool that until today I never had time to play around and create with but it is another way to present information or enhance documents and blogs with images. I think my class will like to use this tool.
I was not involved in the workshop, but I thought the animation slides looked intriguing and would definitely be a hit to try for some of my students!

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

I think just being exposed to creative ways to enhance what I already do, or to have a go at new tools I learn in the workshops improves my confidence and keeps me thinking creatively.


  1. Kia ora ano,
    I think the key when you start off using these tools is to just choose one and give it a go in the classroom Cass. The more you use it, play around with it and trouble shoot it, the more it becomes like muscle memory and becomes embedded in your practice. Before you know, it your learners will be suggesting which tools they want to use to create things! Nā, M

  2. Kia ora Cass,
    Great to hear you have so many new tools in the kete.
    I agree google drawing is a great tool and once you and your learners get the basics you will find so many uses.
    Ngā mihi,

  3. It was a pleasure to be a regular collaborator of yours and I always appreciated your positivity and calm demeanour. The dedication you felt towards your students was always clear for all to see, you will be a great loss to your whanau, school and community.
